Italy will always be in everyone's list of favorite. The reason was mainly because of its history and romantic tag. It was 2nd in my own list. My initial picks were obviously Rome, Venice and to some extend Milan.

(2a) Rome is 3rd in Yahoo Travel ranking of most famous cities. The central of Rome's attraction should be Colosseo. Wonder why the olden days people can build so many wonderful buildings that can last for 2 Milleniums but some of our Malaysian buildings can only last for few months, even before it was open for used.
(2b) Venice is ranked 8th, and it was also known to be a romantic city. It is every girl's ambition to enjoy the beauty of the canals with gondolas as props.
(2c) Milan is a big northern city, and it is more posh than Rome. I was told that it is also much safer. But I scrapped it off my list due to limited time allocated for my time in Italy.
With another 4 days to fill in my schedule, I chose Spain. To my knowledge, Spain wasn't that famous to Malaysian travelers, but I liked it very much. It is the most visited country in Europe. It also has the most sites listed in the Unesco World Heritage List. One advantage I noticed in traveling in Spain was that you were able to make a day trip to some small cities/towns that have their own distinct attractions within 1~2 hrs traveling time.

(3a) Barcelona is one of them, whereby you can move out to the beautiful hill of Montserrat or to Figueres to hunt for the egg-roof Museu Dali. Barcelona is my top pick, mainly because I want my partner to enjoy Antoni Gaudi's works as well. Few of his works are listed in the Unesco list.
(3b) Another recommendation is Madrid. But I prefer to press on for the side trips, rather than the city itself. Segovia is a good one, and it is famous for its 1st AD Aqueduct. Another one would be Cuenca, where you can view the Casas Colgadas (Hanging Houses).
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