
Saturday, October 03, 2009

Kick Out Monday Blues with Genius Go Go Go

This is an interesting Taiwanese variety program shown on Astro C317, known as 天才衝衝衝 in Chinese. It is shown weekly on Sunday, starting at 10pm. It is highly recommended for those who need a laughter boost before ending the weekend, or a morning booster to drive off their Monday blues by watching the repeat at 8am.

The show consists of few sections, and the best is usually the 2nd section (瞎拼ABC) whereby the guests are involved in a sentence guessing game. One member says the clue using English, usually with Taiwanese accent, and the other member guesses the words in Chinese.

The guests are usually artistes; actors or singers. Do take note when these few person appearing on the show: 王彩华鍾欣凌 小锺白云and NONO, as they are famous for their creativity and out-of-the-box ideas to present or answer the clues. The hostess, 小嫻 is also an excellent guesser.

> 王彩华 > 鍾欣凌 > 小嫻
> 小锺 > 白云 > NONO

Two of the best episode involves guessing the word "Carbon Dioxide " and "Mount Fuji". You should check out from Youtube on how these 2 person brilliantly hit the home run.

> 二氧化碳 (Er Yang Hua Tan)

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> 富士山 (Fu Shi San)

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